Lyman Chumbi

Tạo yêu cầu

Lyman Chumbi

  • Năm sinh:
  • Trình Độ:
  • Nơi ở:
  • Môn dạy:
  • Có thể dạy tại:
  • 1987
  • Giáo viên
  • Hồ Chí Minh
  • Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp
  • Quận 10, Quận 11, Quận 4, Quận 5, Quận 8, Quận 7

I'm Lyman from South Africa.i teach communication English. I also teach Let and flyers. I love kids as well. I hold a degree in English language and a diploma in Education. I have 3 years experience in Vietnam. While as in Africa, I possess 5 years experience. I'm quite flexible when it comes to teaching. I love teaching Young learners from 5 to 11 year olds. However I sometimes enjoy teaching adults. I use various activities in class just to make sure that my lessons are more interesting to the students because I know that children learn through playing.

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090 333 1985